布朗博士的奶瓶优点除了防止宝宝胀气外,还有柔软度适中、清洗方便、奶瓶材质优质、不易溢奶等。很多妈妈在给宝宝选择奶瓶时,非常看重奶瓶的舒适度、防胀气、防窒息的效果。因此,这个布朗博士非常适合母亲的需求。布朗博士的牛奶瓶在世界上享有很高的声誉和销售。它模仿母乳喂养的原则,可以为婴儿提供最舒适的牛奶饮用体验。深受很多妈妈的喜爱。#MS#博士。棕色奶瓶的优点除了防止宝宝胀气外,还有柔软度适中、清洗方便、奶瓶材质优质、不易溢奶等。很多妈妈在给宝宝选择奶瓶时,非常看重奶瓶的舒适度、防胀气、防窒息的效果。因此,这个布朗博士非常适合母亲的需求。布朗博士的牛奶瓶在世界上享有很高的声誉和销售。 It imitates the principle of breastfeeding and can give babies the most comfortable milk-drinking experience.深受很多妈妈的喜爱。布朗博士宝宝奶瓶的优势 1. 防胀气很多妈妈都知道布朗博士的防绞痛功能很好。 Generally, the baby may not adapt to it at the beginning because of the fast flow rate and the change of pacifiers. After using it, the baby's gas will be significantly improved and there is no need to burp half the meal.2.乳头软硬度适中Dr. Brown's pacifier is just soft and hard, and it is not easy to aging.安抚奶嘴的流速比较快。 At first, the newborn should not adapt to the milk, which will cause milk, and the adaptation is almost zero. It is recommended to change the pacifier every 6 weeks, and the exhaust pipe is changed every 2-3 months.3. 易于清洁布朗博士的配件包括奶嘴、奶瓶、气管(两部分),所以奶瓶附带了小工具,所以清洗起来可能会有点复杂,但总体来说还是比较方便清洗的。4.瓶身材质优质Dr. Brown uses three types of materials: PC, PP, and PES. Among them, the bottle is made of PC and can withstand high temperatures of 120C; the pacifier is made of medical-grade silicone rubber; the airway system is made of food-grade elastomer and PP manufacturing.5、不易被奶噎住Dr. Brown's baby bottle can be fed as long as the guide head is leaked, and the number of milk is almost zero.虽然Doctor的防绞痛功能很好,但家长在冲调奶粉时还是要注意正确的冲奶方式。 Generally, they first pour the appropriate amount and temperature of water into the bottle, and then add the appropriate amount of water. The proportional milk powder is uniformly shaken and lightly dissolved. Do not shake up and down, otherwise there will be bubbles, which may still cause the baby to cough.