The egg-breaking needle for ovulation but unsuccessful pregnancy may be due to blockage of the fallopian tubes. In addition, it may also be caused by poor egg or sperm quality and thin endometrium.排卵针也是注射HCG。 It has the effect of ovulation promotion and can help women's reproduction. However, the egg-breaking injection is not a panacea. Some women ovulate after taking the egg-breaking injection, but still do not get pregnant.这种情况,必须去医院积极检查治疗或调理。
对于一些曾经做过流产或阑尾手术的患者来说,手术后可能会损伤输卵管,导致输卵管堵塞。如果患者输卵管堵塞,此时精子与卵子无法结合,即使使用破卵针也不会怀孕。 In phenomenon, this part of patients can use tubal tubes to dredge the fallopian tubes.
卵子或精子质量差与不良的生活习惯有关,如患者经常熬夜、吸烟、饮酒、饮食不规律、压力大等,会引起内分泌紊乱,卵巢功能受损,或影响睾丸,从而影响睾丸功能。 in turn affect the eggs. Or sperm quality, which causes the broken egg needle to not be pregnant.
3. Thin endometrium
Thin endometrium may be secondary to damage to the basal layer of the endometrium after miscarriage or hysteroscopic surgery.也可能是由于下丘脑或卵巢出现问题,导致排卵不规律,体内激素水平或黄体酮水平不正常。 It is low, which causes abnormal hormone levels, resulting in inability to conceive even if the egg is broken.
The above is for your reference only about the reasons why ovulation occurred but no pregnancy occurred after ovulation injection.这里需要提醒大家的是,服药期间需要多休息,避免熬夜、过度劳累等,同时适当锻炼身体,增强体质,以达到受孕的目的。